Booda Bike Alpine - Rohloff? - M
The perfect world-traveling gravel bike. The Booda Bike Alpine got its name from the fact that it was designed for exploring the mountains. It does not suffer from gravel roads and is the perfect partner for long tours. The steel frame, working together with the carbon fork, perfectly absorbs vibrations. The Schwalbe G-One Allround tubeless tire is just extra for comfort. Low maintenance is ensured by the Gates CDX drive system, the Rohloff 14-speed hub gearbox and the tubeless tire system. Thanks to the gravel steering wheel, we get a very comfortable but effective riding position. The Shimano GRX shift lever and hydraulic brake system complete the picture, which provides a very smooth shifting sensation, while we can operate with fearless braking power. For adventures, a Supernova Airstream 2 battery-powered front-rear light set provides adequate visibility, the front light of which can be removed with one movement and used as a flashlight.
Rohloff 500/14 SPEEDHUB
The perfect world-traveling gravel bike. The Booda Bike Alpine got its name from the fact that it was designed for exploring the mountains. It does not suffer from gravel roads and is the perfect partner for long tours. The steel frame, working together with the carbon fork, perfectly absorbs vibrations. The Schwalbe G-One Allround tubeless tire is just extra for comfort. Low maintenance is ensured by the Gates CDX drive system, the Rohloff 14-speed hub gearbox and the tubeless tire system. Thanks to the gravel steering wheel, we get a very comfortable but effective riding position. The Shimano GRX shift lever and hydraulic brake system complete the picture, which provides a very smooth shifting sensation, while we can operate with fearless braking power. For adventures, a Supernova Airstream 2 battery-powered front-rear light set provides adequate visibility, the front light of which can be removed with one movement and used as a flashlight.
Supernova premium battery lighting system
Supernova Airstream 2 front and rear integrated lights. All the cables are hidden. Supernova is one of the best lighting system on the market. The front light can be removed, so it can also be used as a flashlight.
Why should you choose a belt driven bike?
How can I pay?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque, nisl vitae vestibulum venenatis, ex neque tempor lectus, in convallis lacus justo quis nibh. Proin laoreet odio ut orci vulputate sollicitudin. Vestibulum egestas faucibus lacus a efficitur. Vestibulum in malesuada eros. In tincidunt sagittis libero non viverra. Pellentesque at mauris a metus commodo lobortis ac vel tellus. Sed sit amet ullamcorper elit, quis pretium quam. Suspendisse ultricies, mi vel imperdiet laoreet, urna risus feugiat nisi, id finibus diam libero ultrices mauris. Sed ultrices risus non massa sollicitudin interdum. Praesent mollis ullamcorper metus, non porttitor ipsum luctus vel.
Can I customise my Booda Bike?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque, nisl vitae vestibulum venenatis, ex neque tempor lectus, in convallis lacus justo quis nibh. Proin laoreet odio ut orci vulputate sollicitudin. Vestibulum egestas faucibus lacus a efficitur. Vestibulum in malesuada eros. In tincidunt sagittis libero non viverra. Pellentesque at mauris a metus commodo lobortis ac vel tellus. Sed sit amet ullamcorper elit, quis pretium quam. Suspendisse ultricies, mi vel imperdiet laoreet, urna risus feugiat nisi, id finibus diam libero ultrices mauris. Sed ultrices risus non massa sollicitudin interdum. Praesent mollis ullamcorper metus, non porttitor ipsum luctus vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras scelerisque, nisl vitae vestibulum venenatis, ex neque tempor lectus, in convallis lacus justo quis nibh. Proin laoreet odio ut orci vulputate sollicitudin. Vestibulum egestas faucibus lacus a efficitur. Vestibulum in malesuada eros. In tincidunt sagittis libero non viverra. Pellentesque at mauris a metus commodo lobortis ac vel tellus. Sed sit amet ullamcorper elit, quis pretium quam. Suspendisse ultricies, mi vel imperdiet laoreet, urna risus feugiat nisi, id finibus diam libero ultrices mauris. Sed ultrices risus non massa sollicitudin interdum. Praesent mollis ullamcorper metus, non porttitor ipsum luctus vel.